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Sixteen Goals in Sixteen Weeks: Afterthoughts

So… what’s done is done, right?


About halfway through this project I started sensing that I was actually involved a much larger process than I initially imagined, that what I thought was a little experiment to get me through the summer was just a teaser of things to come. Now, I realise that the changes I made to my life this summer, though commendable, are not the end-all-be-all.

On the contrary, this is just the beginning.

As it turns out, the main accomplishment with the Sixteen Goals project was not the goals themselves, but the fact that I incorporated into my life the habit of forming habits.  In short, I’ve taught myself how to change, and now that basic training is over, it’s time to move on to bigger and better changes.  Real change.

There won’t be any more web-based journals, at least not at the moment.  Although I enjoyed the catharsis of having everything “out there” where people could see it, the next step is more personal and private, and will remain that way for the foreseeable future.

Many thanks to everyone who commented, liked, retweeted, +1-ed, and e-mailed, both now and throughout this project.  Although I wasn’t able to respond personally to everyone, please know that your interest in my self-interest was both touching and pleasantly surprising.

I hope everyone has a great autumn.  This is truly a magical time of year.

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Posted by on 2011/09/01 in Meta


Day 1 / End of Week Sixteen / Final Roundup

So, here we go!

So hey, fourteen out of sixteen ain’t bad at all.
This isn’t over… I have some stuff I want to say tomorrow, little afterthoughts.
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Posted by on 2011/08/31 in Meta


Day 2

I can’t believe this project is nearly finished.

There’s not much more to say, really.  I’ll do the roundup tomorrow, and then we’re done.

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Posted by on 2011/08/30 in Meta


Day 8 / End of Week Fifteen

I guess this will be the last weekly roundup!  Next week, it’s celebration time.

Let’s bring this thing home.
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Posted by on 2011/08/24 in Meta


Day 15 / End of Week Fourteen

It’s all becoming very real now, the home stretch.

Time to start reconnecting with my life.

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Posted by on 2011/08/17 in Meta


End of Week Thirteen

Meh, I just feel kind of blah this week.  The bike incident this morning didn’t help.

Time to start reconnecting with my life.

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Posted by on 2011/08/10 in Meta


Day 24

Today’s one of those weird transitional days where there are suitcases everywhere but no actual movement yet.  Natalie goes back home to Australia tomorrow, and for the first time in more than two months, I’ll be living alone again.  It’s both sad and exciting.  On one hand, we’ve had a great summer together.  On the other, I do enjoy my solitude, and it’s been in short supply.

Natalie’s departure also means that I will no longer have any excuse for slacking on goals.  “But it’s hard to keep up with these things when one has house guests” has become my unfortunate mantra over these past ten weeks, and although I think I’ve kept up with my goals pretty well, I’m aware that I could be doing a lot better.

So today, while Natalie is out doing her last-minute gift shopping for friends and family back home, I’m going to take some time to recalibrate and think about how I want to spend my effort for the rest of the project time. There’s only a little over three weeks left to go, and I absolutely want to make the most of it (read: I don’t want to get to the end and be facing up to a huge list of incomplete goals).

While this exercise will not specifically move me forward on any one goal, I think it’ll give me some much-needed perspective that I’ve lost track of over the past couple of months.  After all, it’s hard to keep up with these things when one has house guests.

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Posted by on 2011/08/08 in Meta


Day 29 / End of Week Twelve

I can’t believe the project is 75% finished.  Things are moving along so quickly now, it’s crazy.

Time to start reconnecting with my life.

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Posted by on 2011/08/03 in Meta


Day 36 / End of Week Eleven

I’m feeling so much better about this week’s end-of-week review.  It probably has a lot to do with the two days of blissful solitude I just experienced.

Time to start reconnecting with my life.

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Posted by on 2011/07/27 in Meta


Day 39

I’m starting to get giddy about autumn coming.  The weather is pretty miserable today (hot and sunny with humidity so thick that it has turned into fog in places), and all I can do is dream about cooler temperatures and winter and snow.

My plan for today, therefore, is to shower and try to get on a bus before I get too sweaty, and ride the air-conditioned bus around until I get tired of it.  Then I’m going to go to a shopping mall and sit in an air-conditioned coffee shop and read the rest of my book.  Then I might do a bit of shopping, because everywhere has clearance sales on at the moment (in preparation for autumn, yay!).

This evening we’re going to have a quiet evening, and then tomorrow Natalie and Carlo are going on a two-day excursion to the west coast, and I will have the house to myself.  Bliss!

I will take that time alone to assess how things are really going with my goals, and I’ll work out what I need to do to get everything finished on time.

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Posted by on 2011/07/24 in Meta, Outings, Reading